Sharing Great Stories

We are at nature, story-tellers. 

From the moment we can speak, to the day we breathe our final breath, we share stories. We sit at the feet of our parents, who tell of a time we know nothing about, only to get a peek inside of their history. We listen to podcasts, radio stations, authors and more, as they open up a whole new world of possibilities. For us, it’s an opportunity to let our minds go wild and our imaginations run free.

It’s been this way for thousands of years. Until the advent of the printing press and mass publications, we thrived off the orator. We still do, but our lives have changed. We have become busier, more distracted, and fragmented. Instead of all the time in the world to convey a message to the masses who sat at our feet, the story-teller now has but a few minutes (and perhaps seconds) to bring their audience into their story, before our minds and thoughts are elsewhere.

If the average attention span is 15 seconds, how can we lean into the new reality we live in and communicate more effectively?

We want to make this short and simple. What we want you to walk away with is two story-telling tools and two keys to remember.

Two Story-Telling Tools

  1. Broad Brush = Speak directly to your entire context.
  2. Fine-Tip = Give your audience a specific and measurable take-home application.

Two Keys to Remember

  1. You must have a compelling argument that reaches your audience where they are at.
  2. Your take-home point(s) must inspire activity that takes people forward in their journey.


You’re not giving me a ten step plan to crafting messages that matter?

Nope. We can, but we want to encourage you to take action today. And if you can remember to speak to a wide audience and give them measurable steps forward, you will have done the job God called you to do.

“Do your best and take a nap.” – Larry Osborne