Remove Every Obstacle

When public speaking, they tell you to remove whatever obstacles are between the speaker and the audience. When you do this, it creates a better bond and an opportunity for the audience to more easily lean into the communicator. Yet, you will also notice that in most cases of public speaking, the speaker still uses a podium or stand. Some would say this breeds a more relaxing atmosphere for the stand (church) and a more powerful presence for the podium (government), but it is still just another obstacle.

Real quick, let’s look at the best buzz for mass communications and Apple. When they deliver a Keynote, they remove every obstacle between the speaker and the audience. Their tech rig is simplistic, their speakers do not have notes, some of them use a keynote remote, and that’s it. And every time they deliver a keynote address, their audience not only leans in, they buzz it up on social sites. In short, they are optimally engaged.

Take these illustrations and apply them to you and your audience. What we want you to do is to take a look at your church or business, and think about the obstacles that you have created between your message and your audience. If we can, we want to help you remove any and all obstacles so that you can create a more seamless delivery and lean in culture.

Two months ago, we began to silently work on creating apps from the ground up. We began to speak with our former and current clients about apps and whether or not they could find it useful. What we found out, was that the responses boiled down into two positions:

  1. “You built us a perfectly mobile responsive site. Why would we ever want an app?”
  2. “You build apps? We would love an app! That would totally help us.”

These are two completely different opinions, but both completely valid. On two sides of a river, stand two positions: one that is content with their delivery system, and one who can use another tool in their communication platform. For us, we look at this and smile. It gives us a great sense of accomplishment, as well as another opportunity to help our clients share their story better.

Why? Because it helps one crowd remove another obstacle between their communication and their audience. While they may have a knock-out site that is fully mobile-responsive, their audience is more apt to use an app that sits on their phones and tablet’s screen at all times.

For that reason, we build apps. We build apps to remove obstacles. We build apps to streamline communication. We build apps for a more permanent presence. We build apps to help people share their stories, better.

Want one? We can help with that.