Where is the Line?

The Las Vegas attack was the deadliest shooting in modern US history (at least 58 killed), and it’s only 10 years removed from the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre (32 killed) and a year removed from the second-deadliest shooting, the Orlando nightclub shooting. November’s shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas is now the fifth-deadliest shooting, with at…

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Appreciate Them

Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone. – G.B. Stern When was the last time you took a pulse of your church staff? Are they loving the life they’re leading, or do they drag their feet walking into the office Monday morning? Sure, coffee is a necessary deal and all, but it shouldn’t take two…

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Pat and Slap

When one person calls you a donkey, shrug it off. When two people tell you you’re one, grab a saddle. – Larry Osborne David needed a Jonathan. Paul needed a Barnabas. Who do you need?  Leaders have a tendency to get laser-focused, at times to the detriment of self-development. They narrow their focus on the…

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Coming Home

“Celebrate what you cultivate.” – Julie Bullock “I didn’t know what to do. My son is friends with the pastor’s daughter, but I vowed never to step into a church again. Not after what happened last time; I don’t need that kind of pressure or judgement in my life. But he was adamant. “This church…

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You measure what matters. This summer has been one of focus and relaxation for Catalyst. We have visited the churches we serve, knocked out dozens of new websites and branding projects, collaborated with like-minded business to launch churches more effectively, but mostly, we focused. We focused because we need to get better at doing what…

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Communicating to the Masses

The greatest hindrance we place before our audience is the trap of assumption. You get up on stage for a weekend service, tell people to open up their Bible and flip to that one story that only insiders or well-read believers know about, and say “remember when…” In one fell swoop, you have divided your audience in…

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