SEO Checklist

If you aren’t on the first half of the first page, then you are fighting an uphill battle against people who have more traffic, better optimizations, and constant content.

I want to make it easy for you to rank fast and first, but in a way that anyone on your team can handle. In less than an hour, you can go through the SEO Checklist and make sure your website is as dialed down as possible. When you are done, you can make the necessary changes and get back to doing what you do best: serving your audience while your website ranks automagically.

All of this (and more) is inside of my seven day Digital Front Door email course. It’s completely free. All you need to do is subscribe below and you’re off and running. You will find this specific download on day seven. Don’t want to wait through that course? No problem. It’s on day one in my eight day SEO Email Course.