We Sold Out

But we sold out for all the right reasons.  We coach hundreds of church leaders a year, and one of the things we press hard into them is to cut the fluff and focus on what really makes you stand out in a crowd. We need to heed our own advice. We enjoy church media and…

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Where does real web engagement happen?

While the screenshot rule states that the majority of engagement occurs within the initial load screen, the truth of the matter is that 92% of the time, people navigate through the main menu.  Everyone agrees that it is important to have a contextual and appealing front page and website, the stats state that the most important piece…

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How to set up your church’s front page for success.

Your website is the digital front door to your audience. Make it easy for them to walk through. Everyone thinks the front page of their website needs to be the flashiest thing on the face of the planet. After all, that is what people have come to expect in our media-driven culture. However, that is…

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You are a Witness

The marketing process will only take you so far. You can have the boldest brand, the most captivating story to share, the most creative storytelling medium, and the best street team on the face of the planet, but if you are a tool, your message will fall flat on sleeping ears waiting to be awakened.…

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5 Tips for Being Creative at a Moments Notice

Ask any church creative and they will tell you that one of the greatest hurdles they face is the need to be creative, and to be creative quickly. With the light-speed pace of social media coupled with peoples’ ever so shrinking attention spans, creativity is time stamped, and usually needed immediately. So the question is:…

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Building a Brand People Will Trust

Earlier in the week we touched on the idea that your brand is your story. Your brand is You. Naturally, our next step is to discover how your brand can build a relationship with the those you wish to reach. Like any healthy relationship, the core foundation is trust. A person’s connection with your brand…

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