Effective App Launches

Whatever you do, don’t overthink this. The average user downloads less than one app a month, spends about four minutes using a church app, primarily uses the app for giving purposes, and only plays around in the sermons and events sections. Therefore, apps are not the tool, but rather another tool at your disposal. You…

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Apps Are Dead

Your church app is dead, and you don’t even know it. Come on son, are apps really dead? Of course they are not. However, how we think of our church app is. We need to understand their current use and in order to best serve our audiences. But first, why such a strong statement on…

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Your Church App Doesn’t Suck, But How You Think About It Does

You’ve done the right thing and built out a custom church app. You spent weeks setting the stage, creating the correct campaigns, and preparing your people for the launch of your app. You partnered with the best church app providers in the world and they’ve got your back for launch weekend. Launch weekend happens and you’ve…

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App or Mobile?

Should I focus on an app or mobile-first website for my church? We get this question a ton, but it’s the wrong question. The answer may surprise you, because you actually need both. Let’s find out why. Let’s start by first asking, does my church need an app? We recently wrote a post on this…

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You Need an App. Like Now.

Before we get into the meat of it all, there are a few items we need to cover. First, there are no such things as smartphones anymore; only phones. Everyone has a connected device and they’re able to play and work online anywhere in the world. The saturation point has reach max capacity. Second, ninety-two percent of…

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Does my church need an app?

If you’re a client of ours, the easy answer is no. But … the question isn’t so simple. All of our web projects are mobile responsive out of the box. No code, hooks, updates, etc… required to make them soar as good on mobile as they do on desktop. What we have created for you…

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